Thursday 18 February 2010

Thing 10 Social Bookmarking and Tagging

I can see I am going to be using delicious much more. Very useful. Its nice you can be so subject specific and find like minded people. Really interesting to see how other people are using it.

Week 5: Thing 9 yummy delicious

Have used delicious before but will make more of an effort to really make use of it. I am finding the 23 things project more and more useful. Its forcing me to look at what I am using and explore it more carefully. Normally I just don't make enough time. I went on a really useful study day at LSE. Staff there were saying how in their experience students tend to use the technology they feel comfortable with and its a real effort to get them to try something new. It is very difficult to keep up to date with the pace of change in the array of technologies used so this sort of project should be rolled out on a regular basis. Again well done 23 things.
See how I combine delicious and libraries - a book cake  - small things eh!

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Week 4: Thing 8 Picnik

Had a go, .. quite like the posterized image. Here is the Camera in the snow, ain't it just lovely. Well worth finding out about. Thanks 23 things

Week 4: Thing 7 Flickr

Good to get using this, nice to search through and see what other folks have been doing as well. Interested in giving picnik a go, not come across this before.

Thing 6 More feeds

Thought about how to give myself new ideas and tips, started getting feeds from librarians in other institutions who work in similar fields. Proving to be very useful

Thing 5 Google Reader

Been using the google reader for some time, I find it really useful! From what the National Archives is up to, to new post from Intute on government material.

Thing 4

Finally got round to registering my blog, too little time to many things to do!

Thursday 28 January 2010

Off we go

Well I have been keeping a blog for a few years now, not this one of course. I find it really useful to use as an aide memoire and to keep dates in the right order, I can never remember when I did what. So it helps with me with my unmanageable digital photograph collection. Only family and friends view my other one, this one is for the 23 things a librarian must know about.

Tuesday 19 January 2010

23 things

I thought it would be a good idea to check that I am not missing anything so here I am giving it a go